The Family Planning Association (FPA) has launched a campaign to raise awareness of chlamydia, regarded as the most common sexually transmitted infection in the UK. Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women and is likely to cause fertility problems in men. Graffiti-style stickers with slogans such as 'Chlamydia's a Bitch', or 'I love Johnny. He protects me from Chlamydia' are being stuck in the lavatories of 600 bars and clubs that attract the 18 to 24 age group, who have a low awareness of the infection and its risks. The campaign's postcards show jeans with a few buttons undone, carrying the message, 'Chlamydia. Now available in easy to open packets.' The FPA claims that as many as one in 14 young people could have the infection but about 70 per cent of women and 50 per cent of men experience no symptoms.
Sources and References
Infertility risk tackled
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