For details of PET's advertising rates, please contact us.
The Progress Educational Trust (PET) believes that the sale and display of advertising space is a legitimate source of revenue to support PET's work and the publication of BioNews.
PET's policy on advertising is based on the following principles and assumptions:
- PET sets high ethical standards in all its activities, and first and foremost defends the right to editorial independence.
- It will always be clear to readers what content is editorial material and what is advertising.
- PET will only sell advertising on its website and in its publications when such advertising does not interfere with the purpose of the website and publications, and when the advertising is not incompatible with PET's broader objectives.
These principles are applied by PET in determining the eligibility of advertising on this website and in PET's publications, including BioNews, print publications and the Progress Report newsletter distributed to Friends of PET.
Editorial independence
Editorial decisions are not influenced by advertisers. Advertisers will not determine specific editorial content or in any way influence editorial decisionmaking, nor will they have any opportunity to review material prior to publication. Furthermore, they are not permitted to make changes to content once it has been published.
General eligibility requirements
All advertisements are subject to the approval of PET. PET in its sole discretion reserves the right to decline or to cancel at any time any advertisement, either newly submitted or previously accepted for any reason, without prejudice.
PET makes no representations or warranties as to the quality of any products or services advertised on its website and in its publications. The appearance of advertisements should not be regarded as recommendation or endorsement by PET of any particular products, services or brands.
All advertisements are accepted and published by PET on the guarantee of the advertiser, or the advertising agency working on behalf of the advertiser, that they are authorised to publish the entire contents and subject matter of the advertisement.
Advertising must be factually accurate, and must not be deceptive or misleading. Any statements or claims made should be proven and measurable by the advertiser or the advertising agency.
PET reserves the right to decline advertising for any product or service that is involved in litigation with respect to claims made in the marketing of the product or service.
All advertisements must clearly and prominently identify the advertiser by trademark or signature.
A distinction must be made between advertising and editorial content. All advertising, including advertorials, must be clearly identified as advertising and must not be likely to be confused with editorial content in format or appearance and may not be associated with any PET logos, trademarks or other markings.
It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the advertising, marketing and sales of its products or services. Acceptance of advertising in PET's website and publications should not be construed as an acceptance by PET that the advertiser has complied with such laws and regulations.
Advertisements that contain criticism of a competitor's products and/or arbitrary comparisons are not acceptable.
Advertisements must be non-discriminatory and inoffensive, in both text and artwork, and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Advertisements that discriminate against individuals or groups based on sex, age, race, religion, marital status or physical handicap will not be accepted.
Entire and only agreement
Any insertion order submitted by the advertiser represents acceptance of all terms and conditions applicable to the advertisement contained in this website, to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions.
After the advertising space closing deadline, cancellations will not be accepted and the advertiser will be liable for payment in full for the advertisement.
Linking from an advertisement
Any website to which an advertisement is linked must comply with the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. If an advertisement incorporates a hyperlink to a page on another website, the page and website will be reviewed prior to the acceptance of the advertising. The advertiser may not change the linked page during the term of the contract without prior review and approval from PET. PET reserves the right not to link to, and to remove links to, other websites.
Charges for advertising and payment terms
For details of PET's advertising rates, please contact us.