Fertility and Infertility
Image by Alan Handyside via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts a human egg soon after fertilisation, with the two parental pronuclei clearly visible.
Genetics and Genomics
Image by Peter Artymiuk via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts the shadow of a DNA double helix, on a background that shows the fluorescent banding of the output from a DNA sequencing machine.
Image by Dr Christina Weis. © Christina Weis
Genome Editing
Image by Matthew Daniels via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts human cells, showing the stages of cell division.
IVF and Fertility Treatment
Image by Alan Handyside via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts equipment used for embryo biopsy.
Law and Regulation
Image by Bill Sanderson via the Wellcome Collection, © Wellcome Trust Ltd 1990. Depicts Laocoön and his family (from Greek and Roman mythology) entwined in coils of DNA.
Embryo Research
Image by K Hardy via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts a human embryo at the blastocyst stage (about six days after fertilisation) 'hatching' out of the zona pellucida.
Donor Conception
Image by Bill McConkey via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts sperm swimming towards an egg.
Stem Cells
Image by Sílvia Ferreira, Cristina Lopo and Eileen Gentleman via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts a single human stem cell embedded within a porous hydrogel matrix (false colour).
Mitochondrial Donation
Image by the University of Edinburgh via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts cells with organelles (colour-enhanced electron micrograph of cells, showing nuclei in green and mitochondria in red).