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Our audience includes scientists, clinicians, counsellors, ethicists, policymakers, lawyers, academics, students, teachers and journalists. Our website visitors and readers of BioNews demonstrate a desire to keep up-to-date with the latest news and political, ethical and scientific thinking in fertility and genomics.
Advertise your vacancies here, and you'll reach this specialist and hard-to-reach pool of potential candidates. What's more, they have also already demonstrated their commitment to and interest in the topics of genomics and fertility.
Our rates are competitive, and we can be flexible about the package. So whatever your budget or advertising needs, PET will be able to meet them.
Details of your vacancy and logo will appear on this webpage, with your full job advertisement displayed on a separate dedicated webpage. Also included is a listing in the weekly BioNews email newsletter, and promotion on PET's social media platforms.
For details, see our Rate Card, which also includes information on advertising your products, services or events.