Fertility 2024 is the joint conference of the British Fertility Society, the Association of Clinical and Reproductive Scientists and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. It is the biggest UK conference for those working in fertility clinics or research labs.
PET director Sarah Norcross was delighted to attend the conference which took place in Edinburgh and to have an exhibition stand.
There were lots of fascinating presentations at the conference but one that had everyone talking was by Professor Andrew Pask - University of Melbourne, Australia. He explained his research in an outstanding talk entitled 'Bringing back the past to protect the future: De-extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger'. Not only was it interesting science about the quest to bring back the Tasmanian tiger, it was entertaining too.
Another highlight was the Bob Edwards Memorial Lecture 'Embryology research: looking backwards to move forwards' by Professor Roger Sturmey - Hull York Medical School. His talk tied in with our aim of helping reproductive and genetic science to thrive.
Sarah was delighted to meet so many BioNews subscribers and people who regularly attend PET's online events. Though sometimes the latter forget that she cannot see them at our events and therefore she does not recognise them, so apologies if she blanked you!
PET is already looking forward to Fertility 2025 in Liverpool!