'We need fertility justice now' is the headline of Nancy Kelley's compelling article about the need for fertility justice for the LGBTQIA+ communities in the August/ September edition of DIVA magazine.
The piece outlines the challenges people from those communities face when trying to start a family. For example, same-sex female couples have to fund up to 12 rounds of artificial inseminations to prove they are infertile before being able to access fertility treatment on the NHS.
Nancy used the PET Fertility Policy Tracker data in the article to highlight the lack of progress that has been made in improving access for same-sex couples.
PET Director Sarah Norcross told DIVA:
'I think there is still a stigma around fertility treatment and that some people who work at ICBs, some GPs perhaps still see it as a lifestyle thing and so are perhaps not terribly sympathetic.'
The article also quotes Laura Rose Thorogood CEO of LGBT Mummies and the fertility campaigner Freddy McConnell.
PET has joined together with DIVA, LGBT Mummies, TwoDads UK, Equality for Trans Families and Stonewall to form the Fertility Justice working group to campaign for the reproductive healthcare the LGBTQIA+ community deserves.
Unfortunately the article in the DIVA is behind a paywall.