Any chromosome apart from the sex chromosomes. In humans there are 22 pairs of autosomes, numbered 1-22, and a pair of sex chromosomes.

Podcast Review: ASRM Today — Misconceptions about genetic counselling
'People think if we do a genetic test, we can look for everything and if it comes back as a normal test, then everything will be healthy', says Jill Fischer...
Radio Review: The Moral Maze Debates the Morality of Genetics (BBC Radio 4 available on iPlayer)
On 6 November, eight individuals with varying views debated the morality of genetics on BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze...
Screen all chromosomes in prenatal embryo testing, says study
Current prenatal chromosome screening tests could miss rare chromosomal abnormalities and lead to inaccurate results...
Sperm linked to ART-related genetic disorders
Mutations in sperm used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be responsible for causing the rare genetic disorders associated with these techniques...
Largest human chromosome decoded: correction
In BioNews 189, the title of the above story should have been: 'Largest human chromosome to date decoded' and the first sentence should have read: 'French and American scientists have published the entire genetic code of human chromosome 14, the largest human chromosome decoded so far.' The 22 autosomal chromosomes...