This piece by Philippa Kemp, exploring how artificial wombs could change the universal experience of birth, won the first prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
Image by Matthew Daniels via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts human cells, showing the stages of cell division.
This piece by Vanessa Burns, exploring the impact the impact that CRISPR-based genome editing will have over the next 25 years, won the second prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
Image by Bill McConkey via the Wellcome Collection. Depicts sperm swimming towards an egg.
This piece by Dr Catherine Jones, exploring the impact of the removal of donor anonymity on donor-conceived people, won the third prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
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BioNews: 25th birthday special edition
by Sarah Norcross
PET celebrates the 25th birthday of BioNews, and announces the winners of the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
The impact of artificial wombs: A look at the potential benefits and challenges
by Philippa Kemp
This piece by Philippa Kemp, exploring how artificial wombs could change the universal experience of birth, won the first prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
The continued impact of the CRISPR revolution
by Vanessa Burns
This piece by Vanessa Burns, exploring the impact the impact that CRISPR-based genome editing will have over the next 25 years, won the second prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
The removal of donor anonymity in the UK: What might this mean for donor-conceived people?
by Dr Catherine Jones
This piece by Dr Catherine Jones, exploring the impact of the removal of donor anonymity on donor-conceived people, won the third prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...