IVF and the Alabama Supreme Court decision to protect embryos
Should jurisdictions strive to find a way to protect IVF, while acknowledging the moral status of the embryo?..
Scottish Council on Human Bioethics
Dr Calum MacKellar has been the director of research (for more than 20 years) of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics in Edinburgh (a Scottish Registered Charity), which encourages the engagement of Scottish society in biomedical ethics. He is also a visiting lecturer of bioethics with St Mary's University in Twickenham, London. Previously he worked with the Bioethics Division of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.
Should jurisdictions strive to find a way to protect IVF, while acknowledging the moral status of the embryo?..
Dr Calum MacKellar discusses the biological, moral and legal status of stem-cell-based embryonic entities...
The Law Commissions of Scotland and England and Wales' joint consultation on surrogacy reform has now closed to responses...
A lot of hard work was invested into the UK's Nuffield Council on Bioethics' new, pioneering, report entitled 'Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and ethical issues'. But a lot more work is still necessary to gain an appropriate overview of inh
On the 20th anniversary of the of the 1997 European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention), the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics organised an international conference entitled ‘Relevance and Challenges’ last month in St
Prohibiting what is useless and legalising what becomes useful in embryonic research without any in-depth ethical consideration may be pragmatic, but such an approach is ultimately just as irrational and meaningless as the concept of the human embryo's 'special status'...
The short article by Robin Lovell-Badge entitled 'Editing human embryos' addressing the work of Junjiu Huang and colleagues in China on gene editing in human embryos - such as the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system - raises a number of ethical questions....
Those who are concerned about mitochondrial replacement techniques do not have any less compassion than those who believe that such procedures should be introduced: they just remain to be convinced that all the biological risks have been sufficiently addressed...
Mitochondrial replacement techniques are not a form of therapy in which a person is being treated or cured for a disorder, but instead make sure that that certain persons are not brought into existence. This is a crucial difference since it then questions the equality in value and worth of every possible future person...
Genetic testing and screening of prospective parents before conception to examine the inheritance of a genetic condition is a new area for discussion. The Human Genetics Commission's (HGC) report 'Increasing options, informing choice: A report on preconception genetic testing and screening', published last week, is thus timely and raises several serious ethical issues...
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