Obituary: Professor Brian Lieberman
Professor Daniel Brison recalls the life and work of Professor Brian Lieberman, who founded the world's first publicly-funded IVF unit in Manchester in 1982...
Reproductive medicine, University of Manchester
Professor Daniel Brison recalls the life and work of Professor Brian Lieberman, who founded the world's first publicly-funded IVF unit in Manchester in 1982...
by Dr Philip Lewis and 1 others
A major factor limiting the effectiveness of IVF is the availability of high-quality egg cells from a patient. But new research suggests that the use of polar bodies might create two oocytes for the price of one...
by Professor Daniel Brison and 1 others
Natallie Evans was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous ovarian condition and had to undergo surgery to have her ovaries removed. Before this happened, she underwent IVF treatment from which six embryos were created and are in frozen storage. She wants to use the embryos as she is desperate to have a...
by Professor Daniel Brison and 1 others
Throughout the entire history of IVF, the limited availability of surplus embryos from treatment cycles has compromised research into early human development and arguably held back improvements in techniques and success rates. Recently, the demand for so-called surplus IVF embryos has been exacerbated by the interest in deriving new human...
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