Fertility treatment add-ons – at what cost?
Proving the efficacy of add-ons in fertility patients is challenging, but a balance needs to be struck between scientific progress and patient protection argues Sophia McCully...
PhD candidate, De Montfort University
Proving the efficacy of add-ons in fertility patients is challenging, but a balance needs to be struck between scientific progress and patient protection argues Sophia McCully...
The '14-day rule', initially proposed in 1979 in the USA, was first recommended in the UK by the Warnock Committee in 1984. It limits research on intact human embryos 'prior to 14 days' gestation or the beginning of primitive streak formation' and is part of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008...
The subject of this year's Progress Educational Trust annual conference was 'a realistic look at assisted reproduction'...
At the 2019 FORUM Annual Lecture at the Academy of Medical Sciences in London, Dr John Leonard, president and chief executive officer at Intellia Therapeutics gave an enlightening overview of the work they are doing towards clinical application of genome editing and his thoughts on the general genome editing field...
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