We need one Australian IVF regulatory system, not eight
The federalised nature of Australian legislation has led to a piecemeal and inconsistent approach to regulation of the fertility sector in the country, writes Stephen Page...
Principal at Page Provan, solicitors, Brisbane
Stephen Page is a principal of Page Provan, solicitors in Brisbane, Australia, where he is an accredited family law specialist with sub-specialties including in fertility law and acting for LGBTIQ people. He is a director of the Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand.
by Stephen Page
The federalised nature of Australian legislation has led to a piecemeal and inconsistent approach to regulation of the fertility sector in the country, writes Stephen Page...
by Stephen Page
Lawyer Stephen Page explores the ACT's new law introducing mandatory licensing for IVF clinics and allowing all donor-conceived people to know their donor's identity...
by Stephen Page
Queensland's proposed Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill could bring changes to donor anonymity, licensing of fertility clinics, posthumous conception and more in the state, writes lawyer Stephen Page...
by Stephen Page
The Australian Capital Territory's Parliament is considering a Bill to modenise their surrogacy laws. Lawyer Stephen Page evaluates the proposed changes...
by Stephen Page
A parliamentary inquiry into surrogacy laws in Australia has just reported its recommendations, but they don't go far enough and the country is likely to remain the world's largest exporters of intended parents...
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