BioNews is PET's flagship publication, providing news, comment and reviews on the science, law and ethics of reproduction and genetics.
Below are the most-read news and comment articles we published in August. Did you read them all?
Most-read comment articles:
- Same-sex parent should not have be forced to adopt child by Liam Davis
- Women's Health Strategy plans reflect rising needs of same-sex female couples by Anest Mathias
- Citizenship and same-sex parents – about time, Sweden! by Petra Nordqvist
Most-read news articles:
- Lower hormone doses may improve IVF egg quality by Eleanor Gallegos
- Male age has more impact on IVF birth rate than previously thought by David Cansfield
- First UK medical guidelines issued for trans fertility preservation by Melinda Van Kerckvoorde
- Call to end ban on HIV-positive partner gamete 'donation' by Blair Sowry
- Light shed on epigenetic maintenance of ovarian reserve by Melinda Van Kerckvoorde
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