Pharma giant teams up with CRISPR experts for drug discovery
GlaxoSmithKline is to partner with leading researchers at the University of California to harness CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing to find new medicines...
GlaxoSmithKline is to partner with leading researchers at the University of California to harness CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing to find new medicines...
France plans to lift a ban preventing single women and lesbian couples from accessing IVF and other fertility treatments, announced Prime Minister Édouard Philippe last week...
A Russian scientist has announced his intention to produce genome-edited babies...
A woman in Sydney, Australia is seeking a court order for the destruction of 12 embryos that are not genetically linked to her...
by Suzi Denton
A bill that proposes to lift the ban on commercial surrogacy in New York State was passed by the State Senate last week...
An Oldham councillor is urging for Jean Purdy, one of the three people who developed IVF, to be formally acknowledged for her work, after letters revealed how the Oldham Health Authority ignored requests for Purdy to be recognised in the 1980s...
In 'Diary of a Surrogate', an episode of the Radio 4 programme The Untold, Linder Wilkinson speaks about what becoming a surrogate mother meant for her. She tells the story of why — after giving birth to her first surrogate child — she decided to emba
What does it mean to be human? It's not a question I'd given much thought until hearing science writer Philip Ball's talk on 'How to Grow a Human'...
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Anonymous no more?
by Sarah Norcross
This coming Wednesday evening (19 June), the Progress Educational Trust — the charity that publishes BioNews — is holding a free-to-attend public event in London discussing direct-to-consumer genetic testing in relation to donor anonymity...