Traffic fumes impair sperm quality
Italian scientists have proved that pollution from road traffic affects male fertility. A study, undertaken by scientists from the University of Naples, looked at young and middle-aged male attendants at motorway toll stations and found decreased sperm quality. Dr Michele De Rosa compared the semen quality of 85 men who...
Screening for cystic fibrosis
by Juliet Tizzard
This week's BioNews reports on cystic fibrosis antenatal screening programmes in the United States in which some pregnant women may have been given the wrong information about their chance of having a baby with the condition. Some antenatal tests were carried out unnecessarily and, according to the American College of...
Genetics needs to go back in its box
by Dr John Gillott
Anniversaries are arbitrary things, but on this 50 anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick, we have, by design as much as coincidence, something else to celebrate: 'The completion of a high-quality, comprehensive sequence of the human genome... The genomic era is now a...