Strict guidelines on European Union stem cell funds proposed
The European Commission made proposals last week to allow embryonic stem (ES) cell research using ES cells newly derived from stored human embryos to be funded by the European Union (EU). Countries where this type of ES cell research is prohibited by national laws, such as Spain, France, Germany, Denmark...
Public awareness of infertility and views on provision of NHS treatment
by Julian Jenkins
Although the media frequently present stories about infertility, how aware are the public about infertility and what are their views on NHS provision of infertility treatment? It is well recognised that there is a 'post code lottery' for NHS provision of infertility services, but how is this regarded by the...
Creating embryos for the benefit of sick siblings: whose decision?
by Josephine Quintavalle
What was described by the media as either the 'designer baby' or the 'Hashmi' case was, in effect, neither. The legal arguments in the courts were directed exclusively at the governance of policy making in assisted reproduction. Comment on Reproductive Ethics (CORE) argued that, in 1990, Parliament did not give...