New Zealand proposes research on imported embryo stem cells
The New Zealand Ministry of Health is consulting on proposed guidelines for research using human embryonic stem (ES) cell-lines. The guidance, published on 30 November, would allow scientists to work on human ES cell-lines imported from abroad, but would not allow the derivation of ES cells from surplus IVF embryos...
Consanguineous marriage in context: Delivering equitable services
by Dr Aamra Darr
The recent Newsnight programme (broadcast on BBC2, on 16 November) on cousin marriage attempted to deal with a complex health issue, involving the marriage preference of a minority ethnic group, genetic risk, lay and professional understanding of this risk and the attempts to deal with it. Genetics is a relatively...
First cousin marriages: a public health issue?
by Ann Cryer MP
In 2002, 42.2 per cent of all births in Bradford were to families of Pakistani origin, and a further 5.8 per cent were to others from the Indian subcontinent. The incidence of deafness amongst Asian children in Bradford is 4.60/1000 (compared with 1.38/1000 amongst non-Asian children). For cerebral...