New Zealand Government to fund PGD
The New Zealand Government is to make $500,000 in funding available for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for 'high-risk couples'. Pete Hodgson, the Minister of Health, says that this funding will allow about 40 women or couples per year access to embryo testing for genetic conditions such as Huntington's disease, haemophilia...
Genetic Interest Group (GIG) response to proposal to end cousin marriage
by Alastair Kent and 1 others
British Pakistanis are under the spotlight yet again, this time not for alleged links with terrorism, but for the practice of cousin marriage. Last week in BioNews, Ann Cryer, Labour MP for Bradford, re-presented her case against cousin marriage. This followed the 'Newsnight' special report (16 November) highlighting that British...
The truth about donor expenses in the UK
by Andrew Berkley and 2 others
The results of the recent Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) consultation exercise to review payments and benefits in kind for sperm, egg and embryo donors (SEED review, HFEA 2005) were frankly disappointing, and will make no difference to most UK donors. A golden opportunity to improve donor recruitment has...