Restrictive fertility law forces Italian patients abroad
Thousands of Italians are being forced to travel abroad for assisted reproduction or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) treatment, because of Italy's highly restrictive legislation. The results of a new survey carried out by the Reproductive Tourism Observatory show that the number of couples travelling to other...
A Child Against All Odds: BBC Learning campaign
by Rebecca Simor
A Child Against All Odds - the BBC season about ethical issues around infertility science - has provoked strong feelings on all sides. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the issue that has provoked the strongest response so far is the question of an age limit for mothers using IVF. At a live debate at BBC...
Stored Embryos, Gender Equality and the Meaning of Parenthood
by Professor Sally Sheldon
2006 has witnessed significant litigation regarding the disposal of stored embryos. In the UK, the long-running court battle waged by Natallie Evans has reached its final chapter. Having lost her ovaries to cancer treatment, previously stored embryos created from Ms Evans' eggs and her ex-partner's sperm represent Ms Evans' last...