Foreign clinic offering illegal sex selection to British IVF patients
The BBC has exposed a Turkish clinic offering prospective parents in the UK the chance to illegally select the sex of their children. Secret filming carried out in London by BBC reporter Colette McBeth reveals that the Jinemed Center in Istanbul offers to carry out sex selection...
Risk and reward: Methods and morals in bio-preservation
by Peter Hollands
The recent correspondence on egg vitrification in BioNews (1,2), prompts me to wonder if the pioneering research spirit that started the IVF industry sometimes gets a little carried away in the reality of patient care. At the start of the IVF industry the players were researchers and academics, and new...
A friend, a father, or both?
by Dr Berenice Golding
Commenting on the recent article in BioNews, which reported that half of women would ask a friend to father their child if they had no partner (1), I wish to raise the following points for consideration. The Vitabiotics survey this was based on reported that over half of the women...