Experts call for crackdown on 'stem cell tourism'
Chinese and European experts have jointly issued guidance calling for countries to tighten regulation of experimental stem cell therapies in an effort to deter the rise in so-called ‘stem cell tourism'. The experts identified concerns that certain countries allow stem cell trials and therapeutics to be marketed prematurely without having been adequately clinically tested for safety and efficacy. The ten multidisciplinary specialists in law, ethics, political science and social s...
'Morally straightforward but legally complex': a welcome change to the new embryo storage laws
by Natalie Gamble
Any visitors to the Bionews website may have come across a very different version of this commentary last week, published the day before the UK's Department of Health suddenly announced changes to the law last Wednesday. In a surprise last-minute u-turn, the government announced that it was taking urgent Parliamentary action to widen the scope of the new embryo storage laws due to come into force in less than three weeks' time....