Widow begins fight to keep husband's sperm
A woman is seeking an extension in the storage of her late husband's sperm at the UK's High Court...
A woman is seeking an extension in the storage of her late husband's sperm at the UK's High Court...
A high level of twin, triplet and other multiple births in the USA may be down to a rise in fertility treatments like ovarian stimulation being used independently of IVF...
by Dr Greg Ball
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) have been transformed into lung and airway cells for the first time...
A woman in Ireland whose child was born through surrogacy is challenging the Government's refusal to pay her maternity leave, alleging that it amounts to unlawful discrimination, reports the Irish Times...
Genetic testing company 23andMe, which last week suspended the sale of its health-related genetic tests, is now facing a class action lawsuit in California over its marketing claims....
A reversible way of stopping sperm cells being ejaculated has been identified in mice. The research could pave the way for the development of a male contraceptive pill...
The Personal Genome Project (PGP) was launched in the UK the last November. The project, which was set up in USA in 2005, works on open access of genome sequence information of the 100,000 expected participants...
Dancing cocks (that's male chickens, cheeky) in tight speedos fighting over a scantily clad egg might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about PhD theses. However, that just about describes this year's winner of Science magazine's Dance Your PhD contest...
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A whiff of fear down the generations
by Professor Marcus Pembrey
Last week saw a lot of media interest around a US study published in Nature Neuroscience reporting the transgenerational effects of fear-conditioning in mice...