Italian court lifts ban on donated sperm and eggs in fertility treatment
Italy's constitutional court has lifted a ban on the use of donor sperm and eggs for assisted conception, saying it was 'unconstitutional'...
by Siobhan Chan
Italy's constitutional court has lifted a ban on the use of donor sperm and eggs for assisted conception, saying it was 'unconstitutional'...
Turning on a single gene can regenerate the thymus in elderly mice, causing the immune system organ to double in size and make more white blood cells...
by Dr Greg Ball
Dr Haruko Obokata, the lead author of two controversial stem cell papers that reported discovery of so-called STAP cells, has apologised for errors in her work...
A genetic test has been developed to predict the likelihood of prostate cancer returning after treatment. The test looks for 'genetic signatures' often found in recurring cancers...
A lab in London where scientists grow human noses and windpipes has opened its doors to the press...
by Ari Haque
Several organisations within the scientific community have condemned a recent proposal brought to the European Parliament that seeks to ban funding for embryo research...
A Crohn's disease patient is challenging a decision to refuse her funding for her eggs to be cryopreserved before she undergoes a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy...
Children from poor backgrounds who have an unstable family life have shorter telomeres - the tips of chromosomes that prevent damage - according to a small study...
by Chee Hoe Low
Although this show jumped to conclusions about what the DNA of famous people could tell us, its ridiculous premise was amusing enough to keep viewers entertained...
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Weight loss to improve fertility outcomes: how far should we go?
by Amanda Jeffreys
Weight loss improves both fertility and reproductive outcomes, and weight management medications and surgery are more effective than lifestyle interventions in achieving significant weight loss. Can infertility be considered a medical condition associated with obesity?...
Too many fertility clinics fall short when it comes to counselling
by Ruth Wilde and 1 others
The British Infertility Counselling Association recently collaborated with Infertility Network UK on a short survey to get a snapshot of the patient experience of counselling in licensed centres. The results reveal some worrying findings about both the offer and provision of counselling from clinics...