Man wins £40,000 in damages after wife tricks him into believing IVF baby is his
A lecturer from London has been awarded nearly £40,000 in damages after his businesswoman ex-wife deceived him for over six years into believing that he was the biological father of her IVF-born son...
Lost in translation? Converting statutory criteria into clinic practice
by Marisa Allman
The recent case of X v Y v CRM highlights the potential legal difficulties for children born via assisted conception of clinic error. A recent audit by the HFEA discovered that 50 out of 75 clinics nationwide reported anomalies in respect of the signing or keeping of forms for legal parenthood...
Modern families: The kids are alright!
by Professor Susan Golombok
The spat between Dolce & Gabbana and Elton John — apart from raising the somewhat baffling question of what exactly are 'chemical' babies? — highlights the more pertinent question of what are the consequences of IVF, surrogacy and other forms of assisted reproduction for parents and children...