New imaging technique could help pick embryos for IVF
A new imaging technique can help assess the quality of early-stage embryos...
by Anna Leida
A new imaging technique can help assess the quality of early-stage embryos...
A group of scientists have challenged the landmark study which reported the first successful editing of human embryos for a genetic disease...
by Rikita Patel
The US Food and Drug Administration intends to investigate the use of unproven stem cell therapies being offered in the country's clinics...
The world's first cancer treatment which uses a patient's own genetically modified immune cells has been approved...
A Louisiana court has ruled that it has no jurisdiction over the frozen embryo dispute between actor Sofia Vergara and her ex-fiance Nick Loeb, in a move that may end the two-year legal saga between the couple...
Current prenatal chromosome screening tests could miss rare chromosomal abnormalities and lead to inaccurate results...
Neurons derived from human stem cells have successfully been used to treat and relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease in a primate animal model...
As a scientist working in a fertility clinic, my normal everyday work routine is occasionally punctuated by the ripple effect that occurs when reports of a new groundbreaking reproductive technology enters the public consciousness. I am soon inundated wit
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Scandinavian attitudes to surrogacy — public policy should catch up
by Sam Everingham
During the planning of the global non-profit Families Through Surrogacy's first educational event on surrogacy in Sweden a few months ago, IVF professionals had suggested inviting a few leading Swedish infertility specialists. Unfortunately none were will