Air pollution linked to poorer sperm quality
Men living in areas with higher air pollution are also more likely to have a higher proportion of abnormally shaped sperm...
Men living in areas with higher air pollution are also more likely to have a higher proportion of abnormally shaped sperm...
Children conceived using assisted reproductive techniques have a greater risk of congenital heart defects compared with children born through spontaneous conception, according to research...
The UK Patents Court has ruled that two separate non-invasive prenatal tests infringe patents licensed by the US firm Illumina...
by Ewa Zotow
Paraplegic rats were able to walk after being treated with human stem cells. This is the first time lower body movement has been restored after an animal's spinal cord has been completely severed...
A new gene therapy for leukaemia is effective for a majority of patients who showed resistance to previous therapies...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking an active stance against the use of 'do it yourself' gene therapy kits...
Fears that cloning caused Dolly the Sheep to have early-onset osteoarthritis are 'unfounded', according to new research...
by Dr Lea Goetz
The Darwin lecture held at the UK's Royal Society of Medicine in London, and jointly organised with the Linnean Society, gives an annual look at topics in science and medicine....
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The reflex DNA method is an improvement on current antenatal screening in the UK
by Jonathan Bestwick
Antenatal screening for Down's, Edwards' and Patau's syndromes with the reflex DNA method was shown in our recent study to have higher screening performance compared with the combined test alone, and compared with the proposed recall DNA method...
Shared motherhood IVF for lesbian couples is gaining acceptance in the UK
by Daniel Bodri and 2 others
In 2008, parliament voted to scrap the controversial 'need for a father' requirement from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act; a consideration for 'supportive parenting' took its place. Alongside legislation giving rights to civil partnership (2004