Loss of two genes may drive serrated colorectal cancers
Two genetic markers linked to an aggressive, treatment-resistant form of colorectal cancer...
Two genetic markers linked to an aggressive, treatment-resistant form of colorectal cancer...
A new study into the experience of British families who undertaking surrogacy arrangements has shed light on the reasons some seek a surrogate in the UK while others choose to go abroad...
The largest study of the genetics of hair colour has identified eight genes linked to redheadedness...
by Ewa Zotow
Sixty-two percent of private IVF patients paid 'more than they expected' for treatment, according to the first national patient survey by the HFEA.
Being aware of a genetic risk can cause a 'placebo effect', a recent study has found...
The new book by Wendy Kramer 'Your Family: A Donor Kid's Story' was eagerly anticipated; I was very much looking forward to having a child-friendly resource to share with clients attending implications counselling ahead of trying to conceive with donated
Nearly everyone in modern day Europe is descended from the Vikings: this was the revelation I discovered when listening to a recent episode of BBC Radio 4's 'The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry'...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Cautious optimism at the first live birth after womb transplant from deceased donor
by Dr Natasha Hammond-Browning
The news broke on the 4 December 2018 that clinicians had achieved a successful pregnancy and live birth following a uterus transplant from a deceased donor...
Q&A with Sally Cheshire
by Dr Valerie Shaikly
A summary of the Q&A session with Sally Cheshire, Chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, at the Progress Educational Trust's 2018 Annual Conference...
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act: Is it broke and should we fix it?
by Sally Cheshire
A Keynote Presentation given by Sally Cheshire, Chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, at the Progress Educational Trust's 2018 Annual Conference...