Early mouse embryos are prone to DNA replication errors
During the first cell divisions of mouse embryos a period of instability has been uncovered, which translates into chromosomal errors...
During the first cell divisions of mouse embryos a period of instability has been uncovered, which translates into chromosomal errors...
Bringing you PET events as a podcast. In the 21st episode of its podcast PET looks at the use of artworks to improve understanding and advance knowledge of the causes of infertility, with speakers including junior and senior researchers, a glass artist and a laboratory manager...
A code of practice to govern the use of stem-cell based embryo models in research has been developed by an interdisciplinary group of experts, drawn from institutions across the UK...
by Professor Roger Sturmey and 1 others
PET and Cambridge Reproduction have jointly published a new Code of Practice for the Generation and Use of Human Stem Cell-Based Embryo Models. Members of the Working Group that drafted the Code reflect on its significance...
The authors present an engaging account of the history, legacy and future of the 14-day rule, showing how effective regulation and scientific progress depends on fostering trust through sociological examination, engagement, and science communication...
by Anne Galvin
Using artworks to improve understanding and advance knowledge of the causes of infertility, and of future prospects for IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies...
by Professor Geraldine Hartshorne
Professor Geraldine Hartshorne, scientific director at the Coventry Centre for Reproductive Medicine, explains how and why eggs and embryos can be donated to research...
Intended parents affected by the fertility clinic scandal in Crete, Greece last year, now have just 20 days to collect their embryos before the facility they are stored at closes...
Professor Sarah Franklin looks back to the debates surrounding embryo research of the 1990s and argues we can learn from those previous successes, now...
When human embryos consist of only two cells, the cells are already biased towards contributing to either the placenta or the embryo, scientists suggest...
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