What Is the Embryo's Special Status in Ethics?
The fourth session of the PET 2024 Annual Conference, 'What Is the Embryo's Special Status in the Lab?', tackled ethical aspects of the status of the human embryo...
Former BioNews Legal Editor
Jen Willows is a Volunteer Writer at BioNews, and was previously the Legal Editor at BioNews and Projects Officer at the charity that publishes it, PET (the Progress Educational Trust). Jen originally studied Biology and Microbiology at Imperial College London, and went on to obtain an LLB in Law from Birkbeck University of London and an MA in Medical Ethics and Law from King's College London. She then started working at PET as a volunteer, before joining the staff. She loves tea, dogs, and living in London.
by Jen Willows
The fourth session of the PET 2024 Annual Conference, 'What Is the Embryo's Special Status in the Lab?', tackled ethical aspects of the status of the human embryo...
by Jen Willows
The second session of the PET 2024 Annual Conference, 'What Is the Embryo's Special Status in the Lab?', focused on the opportunities and challenges presented by using human embryos in research...
by Jen Willows
An Australian IVF provider has agreed to pay AU$56 million in compensation to over 700 patients whose embryos may have been wrongly discarded...
by Jen Willows
A Dutch sperm donor is threatening to sue Netflix over allegations made about him in a recent documentary series...
by Jen Willows
The Superior Court of Pennsylvania court has ruled that two women who concieved a child via IVF during their marriage are both legal parents, despite only one being the genetic mother...
by Jen Willows
A US woman is suing her fertility doctor after discovering that he used his own sperm in her treatment...
by Jen Willows
A gene variant that affects appetite control could lead to new strategies for treating obesity...
by Jen Willows
A new epigenomic blood test may distinguish between cancerous and benign ovarian tumours with greater accuracy than current tests...
by Nourin Khan and 1 others
Fetal cells invade the uterine lining without triggering the maternal immune system, a new cell atlas has shown...
by Rumi Georgieva and 1 others
A Swedish court has found a doctor, whose patients died after experimental stem cell-containing tracheas were transplanted, guilty of gross assault and sentenced him to two-and-a-half years in prison...
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