TV Review: Mixed Race Britain - Mixed Britannia
In this three-part documentary, George Alagiah recounts the largely untold story of mixed race Britain and the many love stories that overcame extreme social hardship to create it...
In this three-part documentary, George Alagiah recounts the largely untold story of mixed race Britain and the many love stories that overcame extreme social hardship to create it...
As a hearing person, with no knowledge of sign language and little contact with the deaf community, I didn't know what to expect when I attended the sell-out '4play'. 4play was a series of four short plays performed at London's Drill Hall by Deafinitely Theatre's playwright competition winners. The last of the four plays, Donna Williams' 'Many Shades of Disappointment' delved into the hypothetical future, exploring the science, law, politics and culture of selective reproduction and deafness....
After a critically acclaimed run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Tom Spencer's 'Firing Blanks' comes to the Tristan Bates Theatre in Covent Garden, London...
by Dr Antony Starza-Allen and 1 others
Stuart Andrews, teacher of Medical Law and Ethics at the London School of Economics (LSE) and Queen Mary, University of London, died suddenly on Wednesday 28th July 2010...
The UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) held its open Authority meeting on Wednesday 7 July. The meeting discussed general advances in its work, received feedback from the Hampton Working Group and considered the data of compliance with multiple birth rate targets. The most pertinent and interesting presentation focused on feedback regarding the evaluation of the Donation Review...
Reading both of these books from the standpoint of a patient, I now feel fully equipped to take on any challenge infertility may throw my way. That said, I'm not sure I would have felt quite so ready had I only read one of them....
I think the producers of this emotive BBC One documentary sought to challenge criticisms of saviour siblings by presenting the heartbreaking, desperate struggle that two couples face in their battle against time to create the miracle baby that will save their child's life...
Any media coverage focusing on views toward children is always bound to be both emotive and contentious. '8 Boys and Wanting a Girl' fit that description perfectly. Throughout Channel 4's hour-long show, I felt an emotional cocktail of disgust, confusion, empathy, sorrow and disbelief....
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