Artificial intelligence detects aneupoloidy non-invasively
Artificial intelligence could be used in future as a non-invasive tool for predicting aneuploidy in embryos new research demonstrates...
David O’Rourke is a Volunteer Writer at BioNews. He is the Co-Founder, Chief Strategic Officer and Chief Scientific Officer at ProFertility, which is leading a revolution in healthcare. Previously he was the Creator, Co-Founder, Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Innovation Officer of Bea Fertility, an innovative fertility company reimagining fertility treatment. David has ten years of experience working as a Senior Clinical Embryologist in central London, and has also spent periods at Merck and Vitrolife across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, working with a range of clinical, research and innovation institutions. His clinical research focused on social oocyte freezing and egg banking, and oocyte activation.
Artificial intelligence could be used in future as a non-invasive tool for predicting aneuploidy in embryos new research demonstrates...
Twins have been born from embryos that had been frozen for 30 years, the longest any embryo has been frozen before leading to a live birth to date...
Mechanisms leading to aneuploidy in embryos can start right from the first DNA duplication, a new study has shown...
Less than half of CCGs in England specify gender affirmative hormonal or surgical treatment as a reason to qualify for fertility preservation, a national audit has shown...
Delayed embryonic development at the 20-week ultrasound scan has been found among women who smoke in the 14 weeks before and ten weeks after conception...
Australian families who carry serious genetic, mitochondrial or chromosomal disorders are now able to reclaim the cost of preimplantation genetic testing, as well as IVF...
Young people with cancer in the UK face a postcode lottery leaving many at risk of missing out on the chance to have children...
Men who are diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis before the age of 40 are less likely to want children and more likely to be unable to have them...
Single French women and those in same-sex partnerships will be able to access IVF and other fertility treatments...
Human blastocysts have been created in a simple, efficient way from stem cells grown in a lab...
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