Ancestry owns genetic information of customers and their relatives
Customers of Ancestry's consumer DNA tests may be unaware of what they have signed away, a US lawyer has suggested...
Former BioNews Legal Editor
Jen Willows is a Volunteer Writer at BioNews, and was previously the Legal Editor at BioNews and Projects Officer at the charity that publishes it, PET (the Progress Educational Trust). Jen originally studied Biology and Microbiology at Imperial College London, and went on to obtain an LLB in Law from Birkbeck University of London and an MA in Medical Ethics and Law from King's College London. She then started working at PET as a volunteer, before joining the staff. She loves tea, dogs, and living in London.
by Jen Willows
Customers of Ancestry's consumer DNA tests may be unaware of what they have signed away, a US lawyer has suggested...
by Jen Willows and 1 others
A new highly sensitive diagnostic system for diseases has been adapted from CRISPR...
by Jen Willows
A decision granting custody of a baby to a surrogate has been upheld by the Court of Appeal...
by Jen Willows
A new method of producing red blood cells outside the body on a large scale has been developed by researchers at the University of Bristol...
by Jen Willows
The European Patent Office has declared that it intends to grant a broad patent for the use of CRISPR technologies to the University of California, the University of Vienna and Dr Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin...
by Jen Willows
A woman in Singapore has been awarded damages after an IVF clinic fertilised her eggs with a stranger's sperm instead of her husband's...
by Jen Willows
A bill currently passing through the US House of Representatives may mean that employees will have to share their genetic information with their employers...
by Jen Willows
Twin boys born to a same-sex couple through surrogacy do not have the legal status of brothers, according to an Italian court...
by Jen Willows
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics presented its preliminary report 'Genome editing: an ethical review' in the genteel surroundings of the Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington...
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