Access to fertility treatment must be improved and simplified
The fertility sector has developed rapidly in the 50 years since its inception, yet old-fashioned mores and bureaucracy govern many patients' access and experience, argues Kevin McEleny…
Consultant Urologist, Newcastle Fertility Centre
Kevin McEleny is a consultant urologist working at Newcastle Fertility Centre. After training in urology in the North East he went on to set up its Male Fertility Service that treats patients from across the UK. He has served on the executive committee of the British Fertility Society for some years, initially as andrology rep, then chair of the training subcommittee, membership rep, secretary and has been chair since January 2024.
The fertility sector has developed rapidly in the 50 years since its inception, yet old-fashioned mores and bureaucracy govern many patients' access and experience, argues Kevin McEleny…
The British Fertility Society has developed an educational package to increase students' awareness of the exciting, dynamic and rewarding careers that Life Sciences and Health Care can offer...
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