Donor conception is a hot topic at the moment. So the workshop to discuss 'Off Grid Donor Identity Disclosure: What happens when people trace their egg/sperm/embryo donor through social media or genetic testing?' was very timely. This is a social science project carried out by Professor Róisín Ryan-Flood at the University of Essex.
Professor Ryan-Flood conducted in-depth interviews of donor-conceived people, recipients of donated gametes, and donors. Her findings showed that each interview group had a different perspective on the issues. Recipients wrestled with questions such as 'what is best for my child?'. Donor-conceived adults expressed resentment that they had to become internet stalkers to try and track down their donors. Some donors expressed dissatisfaction that their own children had no formal way to contact any half siblings who had been donor conceived.
Sarah Norcross joined academics, patient advocates and policymakers to discuss the findings and how to help disseminate them.