What Gurdon and Yamanaka's Nobel Prize means to the stem cell community
It took 50 years for the Nobel committee to acknowledge one of the key developments in biology...
Relating to genetic information that cannot be inherited by the next generation (all body cells apart from egg and sperm cells, and their precursors).
It took 50 years for the Nobel committee to acknowledge one of the key developments in biology...
by Professor Robin Lovell-Badge
Earlier this year, a paper claimed to have found cells, called ovarian stem cells, in the adult ovaries of both mice and humans. These cells could apparently be grown in large numbers in the lab and could retain the ability to give rise to eggs. A new study finds no evidence for the existence of germline progenitors able to produce eggs in postnatal ovaries. Is a lack of evidence sufficient to win the argument?...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted its first patent associated with induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology to Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University, Japan, for a technique used to reprogram fully differentiated somatic mouse cells into an embryonic-like state...
An international team of researchers have found that both embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) show higher genetic abnormalities than other cells....
by Seil Collins
Two new studies have revealed further evidence of the harmful effect of smoking on both male and female fertility...
This conference (organised by the Progress Educational Trust (PET), held at the Institute of Child Health, London on 1 November) was extremely timely, given that the new Human Fertilisation and Embryology (HFE) Bill revising regulation of assisted reproduction and embryo research was published last week. This Bill is intended to...
New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has proposed funding of $450 million for stem cell research in the state. The measure, already passed in the Assembly by 50 votes to 27 and in the Senate 31 to 3, will be placed on the ballot box in time for...
The UK's Medical Research Council (MRC) has warned that progress in stem cell research in this country may be overtaken by the US if the current federal restrictions are lifted sometime in the future. Leszek Borysiewicz, the newly appointed head of the MRC, raised concerns that once...
By MacKenna Roberts: The European Commission has passed rules on new medical treatments, rejecting all ethical amendments after bitter discord, caused primarily by the inclusion of potential treatments involving human embryonic stem (ES) cells and human-animal hybrid embryos under the European Union (EU) regulatory banner. The Advanced Therapies Regulation aims...
New research published in the journal Nature describes how a single cell taken from an IVF embryo, using a technique similar to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), can be used to create embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. The new method leaves the embryo otherwise intact and able, in...
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