Gene expansion drives Huntington's disease development
Subtle changes in the brain can be identified decades before a diagnosis of Huntington's disease, two major new studies that shed light on what drives the disease have shown...
Relating to genetic information that cannot be inherited by the next generation (all body cells apart from egg and sperm cells, and their precursors).
Subtle changes in the brain can be identified decades before a diagnosis of Huntington's disease, two major new studies that shed light on what drives the disease have shown...
Unrepaired DNA damage lingers longer within cells than previously thought, potentially increasing cancer risk...
This piece by Vanessa Burns, exploring the impact the impact that CRISPR-based genome editing will have over the next 25 years, won the second prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
What do China's new ethical guidlines tell us about the country's changing attitude to human genome editing? Professor Joy Zhang reads between the lines...
New guidelines concerning the ethics of human genome editing research have been set by China's Ministry of Science and Technology...
Somatic mutations in 17 genes have been associated with the aberrant growth and maturation of blood cells, providing new insights into causes of cancer and heart disease...
by Dr Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin and 1 others
Dr Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin and Dr Alexis Heng Boon Chin give an ethical analysis of germline genome editing to prevent genetic diseases based on Islamic legal maxims (Qawaid Fiqhiyyah)...
Six perspectives on the ethical questions around genome editing are explored in this film commissioned by the Francis Crick Institute...
by Rachel Siden
Professor Sir Ian Wilmut, leader of the team that created Dolly the sheep, has died at age 79...
Relationship officer, Zoe Sheard, and scientific communications officer, Leonie Hodges, discuss their work on the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer, indelibly branded as COSMIC, in this Genomics Lite webinar...
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