The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) suspended the licence of iTrust Fertility Centre in Eastbourne on 26 January with immediate effect.
Particular concerns were voiced by the licence committee surrounding 'patient, gamete and embryo safety if the committee did not take action with immediate effect'. It agreed to extend the suspension of the licence for a maximum period of three months. The decision has been taken three years after initial concerns were raised about the clinic following a renewal inspection in November 2019, with repeated inspections and investigations taking place in the meantime.
A centre spokesperson told Sussex World: 'We are shocked and concerned by the HFEA's decision to suspend our licence. In July 2022 following a routine inspection by the HFEA, (to which all IVF clinics are submitted) the HFEA inspector recommended a continuation of our licence. It therefore remains unclear what the basis is for such a draconian decision, which we are in the process of appealing.'
The decision was taken by the HFEA's licence committee after it decided the level of non-compliance at the clinic meant 'enforcement action was unavoidable'. Significant support had been provided by staff at the HFEA to help the clinic become compliant in all areas over the years, the Authority's licensing committee had noted. Many changes had occurred at the clinic in recent years including change of premises, ownership and person responsible.
Minutes of the HFEA licence committee meeting held on 26 January 2023 showed that the licence had been suspended over a number of concerns including low staffing, high turnover, handling of adverse incidents, incorrect forms being filled out for surrogacy arrangements, record keeping, including tracing of laboratory media as well as management of consent and sharing of gametes and embryos.
Whistleblowers had raised concerns on five separate occasions in 2021 and 2022. Investigations were carried out and no further action was not deemed necessary by the HFEA on three occasions, but an allegation regarding staffing levels, staff turnover and morale in February 2022 resulted in the HFEA inspecting the clinic on 30 May 2022. Further whistleblower allegations occurred in July 2022 regarding leadership and staffing but no action was taken by the HFEA as allegations were 'not considered to constitute new evidence'.
Existing patients affected by the decision are being contacted by local NHS service commissioner Sussex Health and Care Integrated Care System, who are referring patients to alternative providers where appropriate. No new patients can start treatment during the suspension, but patients who are mid-treatment cycle can receive treatment under strict supervision at the clinic, to avoid disruption. The iTrust Fertility Centre is also encouraging patients to call its helpline, 01323 410333, to discuss further steps.
Sources and References
Eastbourne fertility centre has licence suspended ‘with immediate effect’
iTrust Fertility Eastbourne
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
Inspection report and minutes
Eastbourne fertility centre 'requires improvement' according to inspection
Information for service users of iTrust Fertility Centre in Eastbourne
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