Healthy bone marrow may be important in fertility
A study in mice suggests that bone marrow-derived stem cells may play a role in establishing pregnancy...
A study in mice suggests that bone marrow-derived stem cells may play a role in establishing pregnancy...
The first portrait of the anatomy of an extinct group of ancient humans known as Denisovans has been created based on epigenetic changes...
by Jen Willows
A cluster of 12 children conceived from the same sperm donor all have autism spectrum disorders, prompting questions about the oversight of US sperm banks...
A gene mutation previously associated with breast and ovarian cancer has been found to double the risk of prostate cancer among men...
Women who give birth following the use of assisted reproductive technologies, including IVF, are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, a new study suggests...
In a world where our sex tells us nothing about our gender - where we can be anyone and be in relationships with anyone — how do we make sense of ourselves?
Channel 4 News have recently produced two short films on genetic testing...
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Why bioethics around artificial reproductive technology are not just women's issues
by Peter Bigelow
In law school I took a family law seminar on artificial reproductive technology. It was a fascinating class and one of my favourites. Interestingly, I was the only male in the class, and surprisingly was the only male to have ever taken the class...