Human egg cells are often genetically abnormal
Meiosis, when cells divide to produce eggs, goes wrong much more than previously thought...
Meiosis, when cells divide to produce eggs, goes wrong much more than previously thought...
A rapid genomics strategy could speed up identification of changes in the genetic code of SARS-CoV-2, helping identify the source of COVID-19 cases...
Protein channels help determine the 'winning sperm' that rises above the other millions to reach the egg, new research has shown...
Nerve cells near the base of the brain play a key role in linking stress and fertility, according to new research...
Vision improves in both eyes when gene therapy is administered to only one eye, an international team of researchers has found whilst treating a rare form of blindness...
A new approach which uses sound waves to filter sperm for IVF has been developed by Australian researchers...
Five genes associated with the development of critical illness in patients with COVID-19 have been identified...
Did you know that all successful sperm must be sleek, speedy and streamlined?...
The MyJourney app, developed by Dr Sofia Gameiro and her team at Cardiff University, together with Portuguese and UK fertility charities, is designed to support people who, for any reason, do not have the children that they had hoped for...
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FILM: IVF Success - What Makes Scotland Special?
by BioNews
This film documents a Progress Educational Trust event about the successes and experiences of Scottish fertility clinics...
FILM: Lessons from Lockdown - How to Improve Support for Fertility Patients
by BioNews
This film documents a Progress Educational Trust event about how best to support patients in light of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, and the related disruption of fertility treatment...
International surrogacy: new HFEA guidance and the dangers of oversimplifying a complex picture
by Natalie Gamble
The pandemic has thrown a spotlight on international surrogacy...
California's Proposition 14: short in the arm for stem cell research
by Dr Patrick Foong
Proposition 14 proposes a considerable loan to fund stem cell research, but in the current financial climate this is likely to cause more harm than good...