Glioblastomas may be fuelled by overactive mitochondria
Existing drugs could treat as many as one in five glioblastomas, a new study has found...
Existing drugs could treat as many as one in five glioblastomas, a new study has found...
A new way of controlling the immune system's 'natural killer' cells has been identified, which could help prevent rejection of transplanted cells...
Genomic epidemiological analysis of the initial UK COVID-19 outbreak has allowed a team of researchers to accurately characterise the early chains of transmission throughout the country...
Hundreds of people across Australia are suing the major IVF clinic, Monash IVF, over the destruction of potentially viable embryos...
A same-sex couple from Johannesburg, South Africa, are seeking a court declaration preventing their sperm donor from claiming parental rights to their child...
Biomarkers in human sperm have been discovered that may specify whether a father is likely to have a child with autism...
A new method for visualising quadruple-stranded DNA within living cells has been developed, shedding light on its potential functions and interactions...
'I felt like my mom had been raped.' This feeling was brought about because of how some women were treated in the 1980s by their fertility doctors, whom they fully trusted would help them have a baby...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Identifying the risk of low ovarian response during repeat IVF — implications for fertility treatment provision during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Dr Thanos Papathanasiou
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increased workload for assisted conception clinics world-wide...
An All-Consuming Problem? How to Protect Patients in the Fertility Market
by Dr Ëlo Luik
The first online event held by the Progress Educational Trust (PET) in 2021 was 'An All-Consuming Problem? How to Protect Patients in the Fertility Market'...