Call for UK genetic discrimination laws
Nobel Laureate Sir John Sulston has called for new UK legislation to prevent genetic discrimination. The former head of the Sanger genome sequencing centre in Cambridge presented his proposals to the Human Genetics Commission (HGC) last week. Sulston, a member of the HGC, told the Guardian newspaper that 'the main...
Natallie Evans: another reason to review the HFE Act
by Professor Daniel Brison and 1 others
Natallie Evans was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous ovarian condition and had to undergo surgery to have her ovaries removed. Before this happened, she underwent IVF treatment from which six embryos were created and are in frozen storage. She wants to use the embryos as she is desperate to have a...
Genetic profiling of babies is not coming soon
by Juliet Tizzard
We report this week on a public meeting discussing the question of whether, in the future, all babies should be genetically profiled at birth. The government's genetics watchdog, the Human Genetics Commission met with researchers in Bristol to discuss the feasibility of such a programme, as well as its possible...