Surrogate child denied German passport
A child born to a surrogate mother in India has been refused German citizenship despite the intending German parents being named on the birth certificate....
A child born to a surrogate mother in India has been refused German citizenship despite the intending German parents being named on the birth certificate....
New research suggests that pregnancy via egg donation, in women with Turner's syndrome, carries an increased risk for both mother and child...
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced in Washington last week that the Million Veteran Program (MVP), a research project that aims to collect DNA, lifestyle and other health data from one million veterans under the care of the VA, was being rolled out nationally from 5 May 2011....
Women who attended a mind and body course shortly before undergoing IVF demonstrated increased pregnancy rates compared with those that did not, a US study has found. The findings suggest that stress relief may increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant from IVF....
British scientists say they have discovered a link between an individual's satisfaction with life and the type of 5-HTT gene they carry. The 5-HTT gene encodes a transporter for the brain chemical serotonin, which has previously been associated with regulating mood. Individuals carrying the long version of the gene were shown to...
A gene mutation thought to be responsible for the rare hereditary brain disorder Kufs disease has been identified, scientists report. The research was carried out by Dr Melanie Bahlo and her team at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute's bioinformatics department in Parkville, Australia...
A genetic predisposition towards autoimmune disease may be associated with lower pregnancy rates in IVF, a US study suggests. The findings offer a possible explanation for differences in IVF treatment outcomes between different ethnic groups....
Nearly twenty years ago, a medical school I know well was deciding whether to incorporate the university genetics department. One senior medical professor cautioned that science-focused geneticists would be well advised to stop studying fruit flies, snails and other animal species in favour of 'real genetic research' into human genetics....
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Genes, ancestry and racial identity
by Dr Peter Aspinall
The Progress Educational Trust's recent debate 'Is There a Place for Race in Biology' generated lively discussion around whether the accurate identification of genetically-distinct populations is possible or desirable. The semantic issue of whether the term 'race' in this context should be abandoned in favour of 'ethnicity', 'ancestry', or some other term was also raised...
Choice, autonomy and eugenics: Thoughts on the HGC's report on preconception genetic testing and screening
by Professor Ainsley Newson
As highlighted in BioNews, in early April 2011 the UK's Human Genetics Commission (HGC) published a report supporting preconception genetic testing and screening (1). Preconception screening, which can be broadly described as identifying carriers of genetic mutations to inform reproductive decision-making for the person tested or his/her relatives, is well established in some jurisdictions but relatively unknown in the UK...