New embryo test to improve IVF success rate
Researchers at Oxford University have developed a test that may help to improve IVF success rates by checking the health of embryos. The team, led by Dr Dagan Wells, has apparently developed a test which checks embryos during IVF for abnormal numbers of chromosomes...
Reflections on gamete donation
by Professor Dame Marilyn Strathern
'How far should society go in encouraging people to donate their bodily material?' is the question at the heart of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics' report on the ethics of donation for medicine and research, which was published earlier this month...
It's critical
by Sarah Norcross
A week is a long time in fertility and embryo research policy. That's why the Progress Educational Trust is launching a new appeal...
Perhaps the Government is right to plan to abolish the HFEA
by Walter Merricks
Perhaps the Government is right to plan to abolish the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). The astonishing behaviour of its members at last week's open Authority meeting over compensation for egg and sperm donors will lower its reputation in the eyes of some of its erstwhile supporters. Those who might have manned the barricades to halt the Government's plans may now wonder whether the Care Quality Commission (CQC) — the health and social care regulator set to take over the H...