Immune cell gene therapy a success for one leukaemia patient
A seven-year-old girl with a highly aggressive form of leukaemia may have been 'cured' by an experimental therapy that harnesses the body's immune system to seek out and destroy the disease....
The mince pie problem
by Sarah Norcross
Someone who came to our event this week 'Giving: The Gamete Donor Perspective' very kindly brought some mince pies for us. She brought 30 mince pies. I gave two boxes away to stalwart volunteers. But this generous gift posed a problem...
German Brüstle decision puts spotlight on national patent guidelines
by Julian Hitchcock
In November the case of Brüstle v Greenpeace was remitted to the German Federal High Court. How would a national court interpret the controversial ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union which held that patent rights could not be granted in the EU for the use of any entity 'capable of commencing the process of development of a human being'?...
What's Your Poison? The Impact of Alcohol and Smoking
by Dr Antony Starza-Allen
The fourth session the Progress Educational Trust's annual conference 2012 'Fertility Treatment: A Life-Changing Event?' continued the day's critical perspective looking at the evidential basis for the impact of lifestyle factors on the outcome of fertility treatment and resulting children. This time it was the impact of alcohol and smoking that came under scrutiny...