Early puberty linked to paternal gene mutation
A type of premature puberty known as central precocious puberty is caused by mutations in a gene inherited from fathers, according to a study from Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA...
A type of premature puberty known as central precocious puberty is caused by mutations in a gene inherited from fathers, according to a study from Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA...
A woman has been removed as the legal parent of twins born following fertility treatment with her former partner, who is the children's genetic mother, after the clinic failed to obtain adequate consent....
The Irish Government is to appeal a recent court ruling that allowed the genetic mother of twins born to a surrogate to be listed as their legal mother on their birth certificates...
by James Brooks
A test using only a blood sample taken from a pregnant woman is more reliable than current checks in indicating the likelihood of Down's syndrome, say researchers...
by Siobhan Chan
A large, complex gene network in people with autism has been identified by researchers at the University of Oxford...
An Ohio Archdiocese has been ordered to pay US $171,000 in damages to a teacher who was fired after becoming pregnant by artificial insemination....
The US Supreme Court has ruled that the police are allowed to collect DNA from people they arrest...
Leading international healthcare, research, funding, and technology organisations will work together in a non-profit alliance to enable large-scale sharing of genetic data...
We live in a world in which the demand for progress and solutions is at fever pitch. But by overlooking projects that may not yield immediate benefits, or ignoring the fundamental science that can unexpectedly make new discoveries, we risk missing out on invaluable new understandings, technologies and treatments...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
High Court parenthood decision should drive compliance in clinics
by Richard Perrins
The High Court's recent ruling that a lesbian non-birth mother is not a legal parent should remind fertility clinics that they must be fully compliant with the HFE Act 2008...