'Fat gene' linked to adult obesity and impulsive eating
A common genetic mutation linked to childhood obesity also increases the likelihood of becoming overweight in adulthood, scientists have discovered. They found the genetic variation also increases impulsive eating as well as a person's appetite for fatty foods...
Podcast: Risk Assessment - Breast Cancer, Prediction and Screening
by James Brooks
Is the benefit attributed to widespread breast cancer screening programmes supported by the evidence? What to make of the phenomenon of overdiagnosis, where patients are treated for cancers that would not have spread or been problematic in their lifetime?...
Do genes matter? Families under the microscope
by Petra Nordqvist
How do genes and genetic relationships actually matter in the messy and complex world of everyday life? The event 'Do genes matter? Donor conception and family life' discussed genetic connections and family life from the legal, sociological and scientific points of view...