HIV 'cut out' of human genome
Research has shown that it may be possible to 'cut' the viral DNA out of cells infected by HIV using genetic editing techniques, removing its ability to replicate...
Research has shown that it may be possible to 'cut' the viral DNA out of cells infected by HIV using genetic editing techniques, removing its ability to replicate...
The UK Government has announced that regulations around the use of mitochondrial replacement techniques will be presented to Parliament in the next few months...
Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group has proposed to limit access to IVF to cancer patients and HIV-positive men under its options for reform to the funding of its fertility services....
Researchers have identified genetic factors that are involved in determining the age at which a child reaches puberty, in a genome-wide study looking at over 182,000 women...
by Purvi Shah
Twelve healthy babies have been born after trials of a hormone treatment called kisspeptin-54 that has been hailed as a safer way to mature women's eggs prior to IVF...
More than 100 genetic regions have been found to be involved in schizophrenia, many of which were not previously linked to the condition...
by Alice Plein
‘Breeders- A subclass of women?‘ provides both thought-provoking and uncomfortable moments but ultimately fails to convince as an anti-surrogacy polemic...
Join our list to stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics.
An extraordinary bank for extraordinary people
by Natasha Canfer
In July 2014, the Department of Health announced that it had awarded the National Gamete Donation Trust funding to set up an independent National Sperm Bank in partnership with Birmingham Women's Hospital....
Podcast: Breast Cancer Risk - Facts, Fictions and the Future
by James Brooks
Will the media be forever obsessed with cancer risk? How can we separate fact from fiction in the miles of accumulated column inches amassed by cancer stories every year?...
Schizophrenia Genetics: A Revolution with a Dash of Caution
by Professor Gerome Breen
The paper detailing 100 genes associated with schizophrenia has made many psychiatric genetics researchers very happy, bringing a not-inconsiderable amount of relief that they have been proven at least partially correct...