Artificial mouse embryo created out of stem cells
Stem cells from an adult mouse have been used to grow a structure resembling a mouse embryo in vitro for the first time...
by Anna Leida
Stem cells from an adult mouse have been used to grow a structure resembling a mouse embryo in vitro for the first time...
by Rikita Patel
People conceived using donor eggs or sperm now have a legal right to identifiable information about their biological parents in Victoria, Australia...
Researchers have discovered that genetic variants associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also correlate with higher intelligence...
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has called for a ban on using early prenatal testing to find out the sex or sequence the whole genome of the fetus...
A trial gene therapy has reversed terminal blood cancer in a third of patients...
by Ayala Ochert
A teenage boy in France appears to have been cured of sickle cell disease using a gene therapy. He has been free of all signs of the disease for 15 months...
Dr Kat Arney leads a fascinating and wide-ranging discussion of genetic testing — from testing for cancer genes to whether your child's DNA can predict their future sporting ability...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Ethics report on non-invasive prenatal testing raises questions of its own
by Nick Meade
The Nuffield Council of Bioethics' new report on non-invasive prenatal testing is unnecessarily negative and encroaches on women's reproductive choices...