Dead son's sperm used to create grandson without consent
An investigation has been launched looking into how an embryo was created from a deceased man's sperm without his consent.
An investigation has been launched looking into how an embryo was created from a deceased man's sperm without his consent.
A new and faster way to evaluate the pathogenicity of different variants of a breast-cancer related gene has been developed using CRISPR genome editing...
UK scientists have discovered a protein biomarker of early-stage ovarian cancer, which they hope will be detectable in a urine test...
The age at which a woman freezes her eggs has a significant impact on IVF success when they are thawed, suggests a new report by the UK's fertility regulator...
Plastics that do not contain bisphenol A (BPA) — a compound known to harm reproductive health — may not necessarily be any safer than those that do, experiments in mice have shown...
Four organ recipients developed cancer after doctors did not detect breast cancer in an organ donor...
by Jen Willows
A US appeal court judgment in favour of the Broad Institute may mark the close of the long-running dispute over the US patent for the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in animal and plant cells...
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Battle-worn: Setting up a multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial in the UK
by Professor Roy Homburg and 1 others
Why has clinical evidence on IVF 'add-ons' not been forthcoming?...