Woman sues UK hospital over Huntington's inheritance
A lawsuit brought against a London hospital by a woman whose father's doctors failed to inform her of her risk of Huntington's disease could result in major changes to the laws surrounding patient confidentiality...
BioNews CRISPR Appeal
by Sarah Norcross
This week the world's media has been gripped by the birth of what are purported to be the world's first genome-edited babies...
Genome editing in humans could become both ethical and prudent if properly regulated
by Professor John Harris
The announcement that Chinese scientists had genetically edited two embryos resulting in genome-edited human babies has occasioned outrage. My first reaction is that this action (if true) is both premature and reckless...
I remember where I was when I heard about the world's first genome-edited babies
by Dr Andy Greenfield
I remember where I was when I first heard about the deaths of Elvis and John Lennon, and about the planes that flew into the Twin Towers. Now, I can add to that list where I was when the news broke of the birth of two genome-edited babies.